This quotation contains an allusion to Joseph Stalin, the dictator of the Soviet Union from 1922-1953. It mentions the Ninth Three Year Plan. In 1984, the Three-Year Plans were plans to increase industrial production, which were similar to Stalin's Five Year Plans. In addition to this quote, there are several allusions to Stalin in 1984. For example, the Communist Party in Russia that Stalin had control over is often referred to as The Party, like in 1984. The physical description of Big Brother, a "black-mustachio'd face" (2) with "dark eyes," (2) matches the appearance of Stalin as well.
The rewrites of history are also an allusion to Stalin. Much like newspaper articles and speeches in 1984 were rewritten to make Big Brother and The Party look more powerful, Stalin once rewrote a speech by Trotsky, a renowned military leader, inserting his name in the place of Trotsky's.
These allusions are no accident. 1984 was written in 1948, during Stalin's regime. Orwell's point is to show the downside of totalitarian regimes such as Stalin's. 1984 is a vision of the future, and a warning sign to society that dictators such as Stalin are not the answer.
"Stalin Victory." Web. 25 Aug 2010.
"Biography: Joseph Stalin." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 25 Aug 2010.
< /bios/all_bio_joseph_stalin.htm>.
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